ESA title

Artur Nowakowski

Esa Research Fellow

My main focus within the Φ-lab is on the application of computer vision techniques in Earth Observation sci- ence. I have proposed and now lead three case stud- ies: (1) crop types mapping using drones, Copernicus Sentinel-2 and transfer learning from computer vision (in collaboration with World Food Program, UNICEF and Stanford University), (2) ML analysis of Swarm data (in collaboration with Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia and ESA Swarm team) and (3) “Seeing through the clouds” com- petition (in collaboration with CLAIRE and ESA Advance Concept Team).

My background is in computer science with a MSc and PhD obtained at Warsaw University of Technology. I started my professional research ana- lysing computer vision images in the field of pattern recognition and artifi- cial intelligence. Then, I enriched my experience with analysis of biomedical images oriented on stroke tissue recognition and renal cancer detection. In parallel, I have further developed my interests in EO optical data since join- ing the Space Research Centre of the Polish Academy of Science in 2011. I have developed new approaches for land cover classifications, features extraction and time series modelling for crop yield prediction within the projects funded by ESA, EU, national institutions and industry.

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