The Φ-lab is an open laboratory that collaborates with people, academia and companies from all around the world, and aims to become a key influencer (by reputation and authority) for transformational innovation in the EO ecosystem.
The Φ-lab explore the space of innovation possibilities and we host people from our ecosystem all over the world to work together. We offer a large set of collaboration options for people staying with us from a few weeks or up to two years as internships, visiting academic or industry researchers, co-funded PhD’s, Postdoc researchers, and other interested individuals. You can learn more here.
We strongly believe in the power of compelling partnerships to accelerate the future of Earth Observation.
Currently we have more than 10 ongoing collaborations and every day we are fostering new strong collaborations based on truly common interests.
The Φ-lab operates as a catalyst for innovative and transformative ideas and as a bridge within EO’s ecosystem of innovative players to connect actors of Industry, Investors, and Academia and fosters entrepreneurial initiatives.
We build and maintain the Φ-lab community via a suite of events, workshops, summer schools, camps and exploratory and demonstration activities.
The Φ-lab community leverages and develop innovative drivers such as Artificial Intelligence, Quantum Computing, Big Data Science, unconventional platforms, new and richer sensors, edge computing, blockchain, and IoT.
We offer opportunities for sharing knowledge and experience in a physical and virtual context by building an active community around EO transformational innovation.
Please join us at The Φ-lab Community on LinkedIn
One of the most powerful tools we have is our open Research lab where talents join us in many different forms, for example as:
They all stay with us from a few weeks up to two years to jointly develop applied research in Earth Observation.
We understand the value of your Intellectual Property Rights and we protect them via dedicated schemes.
You just need to have a compelling idea to develop together and if you are interested in becoming part of the Research lab please contact us at or find more information here.