ESA title

Andreas Vollrath

Esa Research Fellow

I am a Geoinformatician graduated from the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, Germany, where I familiarised with various types of EO analytics and relevant GIS tasks for environmental monitoring. I carried out a PhD in Earth Science at the University of Pavia, Italy, combining advanced DInSAR and GPS measurements for the three-dimensional retrieval of tiny surface
deformation over tectonic faults. Working as a consultant at the UN-FAO, I integrated SAR processing routines for forest monitoring into the SEPAL platform. 

As an Earth Observation Data Scientist with a strong background in radar remote sensing, I am investigating exploratory data preparation of Copernicus Sentinel-1 imagery and its impact on machine learning algorithms for land surface parameter retrieval. In this context, I am developing the Open SAR Toolkit (OST) for the automated production of high-level Analysis-Ready-Data (ARD) products. The aim is to provide a tool which will enable SAR newcomers to explore Sentinel-1 imagery across various application domains more easily. My thematic focus centres on supporting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals through the exploration of radar time-series, ranging from simple land cover classification to more advanced subjects such as forest damage assessment, the mapping of palm oil plantations, tree cover and biomass estimation as well as crop type detection.

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